Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Good week of training...

After Rochester I wanted to ride a little more and get some harder training under my belt. I decided to head down to Emery Park with the Buffalo crew and did their night of training. The great part is that I was on the bike from 5pm to 8:30 and constantly riding. It was a lot of fun and variety, what a great park to train in and tons of grass, trails, road etc.

We did some intervals, then some skills then a 40 minute race and then I did a cool down ride with Lance and John after. I was starving at the end and splurged on a burger and fries and headed back home over the boarder.

Made for a long day but it was a nice variety.

Wednesday was another decent training session followed by intervals with the usual St. Catherines crew on Thursday. I rode to Burgoyne, did the intervals and rode home with my new Light system. I bought a Light and Motion vis 360 system and so far I'm really happy with it. It recharges via USB and it's very light and has a bright front light, two small yellow lights and flashing red and white lights on the rear, all mounted on the helmet.

Then it was just a matter of getting ready for the HillBillie Hustle.

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